Information Technology Model Answer Papers

IF - Information Technology
Model Answer Papers

I Scheme


IF - Information Technology 1st Semester


IF - Information Technology 2nd Semester​


IF - Information Technology 6th Semester​

G Scheme

IF - Information Technology First Year

IF1G - 1st semester

IF - Information Technology First Year

IF2G - 2nd semester

IF - Information TechnologySecond year

IF3G - 3rd semester

IF - Information Technology Second Year

IF4G - 4th semester

IF - Information Technology Third Year

IF5G - 5th semester

IF - Information Technology Third Year

IF6G - 6th Semester


15 Responses

    1. HI shradha, Sorry to inform you that Winter 2017 Model Answer Paper for MCO subject is not available, but you can refer other semesters model answer papers.

        1. You can refer to all the previous year’s model answer papers. M3 is purely a formula based subject so please practise the most used formulas. Remember M3 is just a subject if you make little efforts you will definitely get passed. Best of luck for all your exams Shradha.

    1. Hey Samruddhi, there was no paper of MCO in Summer 2014. 6th semester of G scheme was started in Summer 2015. You can refer to them.

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